To go back to the main page for this course follow this link –
- An introduction to The ‘Triple A’ Programme
- What is The ‘Triple A’ Programme?
- The true meaning of DIFOTIS and its relationship to The ‘Triple A’ Programme
- How will this programme assist every customer, supplier, manager and employee?
- What’s in it for me?
- Making the working day less stressful
- Setting the desired target
- Where do we want to be, by when?
- Educating staff on the process about to be adopted
- Obtaining buy-in to the concepts and values of DIFOTIS
- What tools are used and why?
- Establishing a Team to manage any issues that arise
- Who is accountable for the overall project?
- Who should be on the working party?
- What are the responsibilities of the working party?
- Who should be involved in The ‘Triple A’ Programme?
- What are the responsibilities and involvement of all other staff?
- Benchmarking the current level of performance
- Where are we now?
- Designing a system to track the current constraints
- What are our current internal constraints?
- What are our current external constraints?
- How to introduce and use O.C.N’s, (Operational Constraint Notifications), in a positive manner
- How to apply R.C.A. (Root Cause Analysis), to the selected constraints
- Sorting the constraints into categories
- Prioritising the constraints in the order they need to be addressed
- The ‘5 Whys’
- Data collection and analysis
- Implementing the selected action plan
- Setting the start date and expected completion date
- Applying the Deming Cycle to the selected action. P.D.C.A.
(Plan, Do, Check, Action)
- Designing and Implementing an Audit Process
- How will we track our progress?
- What measurement systems do we need to introduce?
- How often should the Working Party review raised issues?