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Working with Diverse Cultures

It’s not the message
It’s the tone and delivery

Half Day


To give selected staff the tools and understanding to better relate to colleagues from different cultures


  • What different cultures do we associate with?
  • Unconscious basis and how this can impact on how we interact with other cultures
  • What is unconscious bias & how did we develop this?
  • Eliminating any unconscious bias we may have
  • Professionalism
  • New Zealand colloquialisms and how they may be misunderstood by other cultures
  • What are some of NZ’s colloquialisms & how these may be interpreted
  • How could their interpretations impact on other people of other cultures?
  • Understanding specific differences in cultures
  • Examples of how some other cultures have a hierarchical structure and it’s importance
  • Communicating with those from different cultures
  • Examples of how other cultures communicate
  • Examples of how other cultures learn
  • Best training techniques which are useful in training other cultures
  • Examples of how body language can influence communication
  • VAK and how to capitalise on these tools
  • Communicating in the consciously competent mode
  • How your tone of voice can influence a conversation
  • Engaging people so that they feel valued
  • Giving instructions with those different cultures
  • Being SMART when giving instructions
  • Resilience and patience
  • The importance of feedback when giving instructions – Open-ended questions
  • Utilising the appropriate Leadership Style
  • When to delegate and when to task allocate
  • Should we delegate or allocate tasks?
  • What is the difference, and why does this matter?